Butler County’s total population is about 194,000 with 10.8 % of children living in poverty.
In Butler County, a worker needs to earn $18.08 an hour to afford rent for a modest 2-bedroom home.
An extremely low-income family lives on less than $25,440 a year and may be forced to sacrifice paying for food, healthcare, or education needs to keep housing. One incident – a hospital stay or a car breaking down, puts these families at high risk of homelessness.
There is a critical shortage of affordable homes in Butler County: for every 100 extremely low-income families, seniors, and people with disabilities renting in Butler County, only 39 affordable rental homes are available to them.
A SUCCEED registered project, the Homeless Bag Project, collected items for distribution during Butler County’s Stand Down day. 53 nylon-drawstring backpacks were stuffed for veterans with SRU and BC3 student volunteers.
What can you do to make a difference in Butler County?
SRU faculty, staff and students are encouraged to be involved with these upcoming initiatives:
Butler County Stand Down Friday, November 4, 2022 11 am. – 12 pm. General Butler Vagabond Center 138 Whitestown Road, Lyndora, PA 16045 Join us for camaraderie, a free lunch, access to various giveaways and valuable connections to services! For more information, please contact: BUTLERCOUNTYSTANDDOWN@GMAIL.COM
Dodging Balls & Homelessness One by One Thursday, November 10, 2022 Registration begins at 5:30 pm Butler County Dek Hockey Rink Games begin at 6 pm. Basket giveaways, bake sale and more!
Stuff the Bus! Saturday November 19, from 11 am – 7 pm Sunday, November 20, from 11 am – 5 pm Clearview Mall Parking Lot Wish list items: microwaveable items, canned goods, can openers, ethnic hair products, underwear, socks and laundry detergent. All donations should be new and unused, thank you!
Make an impact in the Butler community and get involved!