Know of a community organization you’d like to see on ROCKSERVE? Would you like to see more SRU students volunteer to support their work? If so, then the OCEL ROCKSERVE Street Team makes it easy for you to send interested organizations our way by simply encouraging them to reach out to us at rockserve@sru.edu. And while you’re at it, share our RockServe video belo for community organizations to hear Sami Laurence has to say!
RockServe Frequently Asked Questions:
What is RockServe?
RockServe is SRU's digital community engagement platform where volunteers can find service opportunities from off-campus organizations in a single location online.
Wondering how to find service events?
You can search and register for service events in your area using RockServe's Explore page.
Looking to create a RockServe page? The first step to leveraging RockServe is to request a RockServe portal. Having a RockServe portal means that your organization, office or course has a page on RockServe for you to share your organization's mission, upcoming events, community impact, location, contact info and more. It is here that SRU students, faculty, staff and external community users can learn about your organization and choose to "Become a Member" of your page to stay up-to-date on the service opportunities that your organization has to offer. The RockServe Portal Request Form is intended for those who are interested in partnering with SRU to offer short-term service projects, community engagement activities or ongoing service programs to further your organization's mission and community-based efforts. This includes off-campus community organizations, campus office/departments and student organizations. After submitting this form, an OCEL team member will assist you in creating a page for your organization on SRU's digital community-engagement platform, RockServe. Once your organization's RockServe page is created, you will be able to post volunteer events and opportunities for a mass audience of SRU students, staff and faculty to engage with. You can access the RockServe Portal Request form by clicking here. How can I get trained on RockServe? Community, faculty and student trainings for navigating RockServe can be found through the RockServe page Training Tab. You can schedule individual trainings at rockserve@sru.edu. How can I get support using RockServe? If you have questions about navigating your RockServe Portal, please do not hesitate to reach out to the OCEL's RockServe Street Team at rockserve@sru.edu. Our team can provide instructions, guidance and support over email or during an individualized Zoom appointment. The OCEL can also support your organization, office or department in creating a big picture vision to truly take advantage of the platform's tailored features to support your community-engaged work. You can also find several how-to-guides under the documents tab here, for step-by-step instructions on RockServe's essential features. You can also check out GivePulse's Support website here. How can I get assistance creating a RockServe event or volunteer opportunity? If you need some assistance posting an event on RockServe, we’re happy to help! Simply fill out this Event Listing Request Form, and we'll be able to gather all the information we need to help you get your event set up on RockServe. Check out our YouTube channel! We also have a YouTube channel where we've posted several how-to guides for students, faculty and staff. Check out our RockServe Tutorials playlist here.