Rachel Scherer (left) is the RockServe Graduate Assistant. She is currently studying in the School Counseling M.Ed. Program. In this role, she is working to implement, manage and promote SRU’s digital community engagement platform, RockServe, and provide support and training to maintain user success and satisfaction. She is looking forward to helping connect students and faculty to service opportunities for transformative experiences and to make meaningful connections.
Alyssa Hilliard (center) is the Community-Engaged Learning Assessment Coordinator and the Senior RockServe Specialist in the OCEL. She is a senior Mathematics major with minors in Actuarial Studies and Statistics. Her role is to support service-learning faculty by assessing survey data from their courses and help the SRU community utilize the RockServe platform to create mutually beneficial relationships between the campus and surrounding community. Working in the OCEL inspires her because she has the opportunity to help create positive change in the community.
David Duffey (right) is a RockServe Specialist for the OCEL. He is a senior, double majoring in Criminal Justice and Psychology with a minor in History. As a Rock Serve Specialist, he instructs students, staff and non-profit organizations on how to navigate the Rock Serve Platform. What he appreciates about his job is the ability to work with organizations that want to give back to the community.
Trevon Johnson, or Tre, is a Rockserve Specialist. He is a Biochemistry major with a minor in Actuarial Science. His role is to offer training and support to campus or community stakeholders and constituencies with the goal to achieve greater campus and community engagement. What he appreciates about his role is that it gives him a chance to help engage others in volunteer opportunities and service-related events to foster a holistic approach to building civic identity. It allows students to give back to their community and use the time they put in being civically minded on resumes.
We’re here to assist you with all your RockServe needs. You can contact us at rockserve@sru.edu.
RockServe Demo Request Form:
The Office for Community-Engaged Learning (OCEL) is delighted to offer RockServe demonstrations for the SRU students participating in FYRST seminars, HIP courses, academic and co-curricular programs, and student clubs and organizations. For the demonstration, a member of the RockServe Street Team will visit your class or program during available times to perform a 15-minute demo in-person.
Follow the link and schedule a demo today!