Each year, the SRU Bonner Leader Program facilitates an intensive recruitment process to seek incoming first-year students planning to attend SRU. Applicants are required to have and maintain a good academic standing (minimum 2.8 high school GPA), maintain a minimum 2.5 GPA while at SRU, pass all payroll clearances, manage a weekly work schedule of 10 hours per week during each semester, and serve as an ambassador and representative of the Office for Community-Engaged Learning and the Bonner Leader Program to local and campus communities. The Fall 2023 Bonner Leader Job Description
can be viewed here.
The Bonner Leader Program Scholarship application opens each year on October 1st. This year, we will be holding three recruitment cycles. Cycle 1 will close in January 2023 with interviews held in February, Cycle 2 will close in March 2023 with interviews held in April, and Cycle 3 will close in April 2023 with interviews held in late April/early May for those who have already committed to SRU. The three cycles allow the program to reach different students at different times in their decision-making process. If the interested student meets the requirements for the program, they can apply on RockServe and complete the online application. A Letter of Recommendation is not required, but recommended.
Once a student’s application has been reviewed, a decision will be made to move forward with an interview held via zoom. A group of Bonner Program staff, student leaders, and campus faculty/staff facilitate interviews for each candidate based on provided set of questions for each student. The interview process gives the student an opportunity to learn more about the program, tell the team more about themselves and what they can bring to the position, and ask any questions they have about the role. Each applicant’s identity and experience are taken into consideration through the recruitment process as the program aims to support underrepresented, low-income students with a strong commitment to service. For more information on the Bonner Leader Program position and scholarship, please visit the SRU Financial Aid website or the Bonner Leader Program website or email bonner@sru.edu.